New Moon in Gemini Guided Bath Ritual 5/30/2022

It’s a new moon and the Sun and Moon are both in Gemini, a perfect example of the duality of the famous twins. The mythology of the Gemini twins, Castor and Pollux, is a story of a set of twins with two different dads. Castor was the mortal son of King Tyndareus and Pollux was the immortal son of Zeus. And although they operate on different planes- physical vs spiritual- they are identical in every way. When we are able to tap into Gemini energy, we can harness the communication between the two realms and appreciate how they are an exact reflection of each other.

As within, so without. As above, so below.

This New Moon in Gemini lunar bath ritual will be all about reflection. Not reflection the verb, but reflection the noun. When we look in the mirror and see our reflection, what is it exactly that we are seeing? The school-taught, scientific description is light bouncing off of a smooth surface. And as we know, light is energy. And harnessing and manipulating energy is our power. So if we have the power to manipulate energy, then we definitely have the power to use our reflection to define our reality.

So when we look into the mirror, we’re gazing into our spiritual counterpart. Mirrors are portals to the Spirit realm, and we can utilize it as a tool to reflect the energy we desire into our physical reality.

  • During the New Moon phase, imagine- like in the cycle of breathing- that you've completed an entire exhale, and your lungs are now empty, ready to be filled. It's in the consciousness of this phase that we can allow relaxation in the void. Our vibrations are low, calm, soft; yet primed and open for new opportunities and intentions. Just like the moon is resting, so do we. This is not a time for doing, just yet- but a time for being. As you begin this lunar bath ritual, start your inhalation of this next cycle by manifesting and visualizing your desires and make yourself available to the Universe's offerings.

Ritual Rundown

When you look at your reflection, what do you say to it? What energy do you put into your reflection?

  • Set up your bath room to feel like a sacred space-

    • Put away anything that will feel like a distraction. Maybe it’s your kids’ dirty laundry or the empty shampoo bottle that you keep telling yourself you can get the last drop out of. Whatever it is, it’s not the focus tonight. Put away for now and deal with it later.

    • Pull out your Divine Feminine ritual candle, Citrine, Green Aventurine, New Moon “Floral Fields” Bath Bomb, and other ritual elements that are listed above, and set your bath ritual altar up in a way that feels safe and sacred to you

    • Place your Green Aventurine Tower and Citrine crystal near your bath so that they can absorb your intentions and conduct the energies of expansion and abundance during your ritual

    • Put your phone or device on “Do Not Disturb”

    • Maybe even wipe down your mirror so that you have a clean reflection for this ritual

    • Cleanse the energy of the room by spraying the Tulsi Hydrosol around the room in a counter-clockwise motion, while saying (aloud or inwardly) “Cleanse my Mind. Cleanse my Body. Cleanse my Soul. Cleanse my Home.” Focus this practice especially over the tub and in front of the mirror, as they collect and project a lot of energy.

  • We will be doing something a little different than our usual journaling for this ritual. We will be creating a vision board, using our mirror as our canvas. So grab your mirror, images, and whatever you will be using to write on your mirror (*as noted above, if the smell of a dry erase marker will be too abrasive, lipstick also works great) (Also, the more of YOU that you can see in your mirror, the better)

    Mirror Manifesting Ritual

    • Adhere your vision board images (magazine cutouts, printed images, etc.,) to the outer edges of the mirror, using tape or glue. Leave a majority of space in the middle of the mirror so that you can see yourself in it

    • Use your marker to write an affirmation or spell that encompasses what you want to call into your life. This is more effective if it invokes a really strong emotion from you, like feel it in your whole body type of emotional response. Here’s a simple template to follow if you need some direction: “Wow, I am so __(insert what you’re calling into your life here, ie: wealthy, in love, creative, etc.,)__

    • Now that your mirror is prepared, we will begin our trance to pull our manifestation directly from the Spirit realm into our physical reality

    • Begin by getting comfortable in front of your mirror. I also suggest playing some Theta wave music to help to disconnect from your frontal lobe for this trance. Check out this Spotify playlist here

    • (I suggest reading through the next few steps so you can stay in trance and not have to break it to read instructions. An app with instructional videos is coming soon!)

    • Now take a few deep, relaxing, grounding breaths. Gaze lovingly, and deeply into your own eyes. Once you are relaxed enough, you might even gaze past your own reflection

    • It’s from this deep trance state that you can focus your energy on what you want to call in to your life. See yourself in your reflection living the life as if you already have it. You might even feel like you can actually see it play out in the reflection.

    • Feel the emotion of what you are calling in deeply. Let the energy of having it in this reality vibrate between you and your reflection, your Spirit counterpart.

    • Now keeping a deep, relaxed gaze into your reflection, speak it into existence. Say it as if it’s already here. Let your voice be calm, relaxed. No need to force because you already have it.

    • Stay and relax here in this trance for as long as feels right to you. This could be 15 minutes of trance, and it could be three. Trust yourself to know how long Spirit calls you to stay here with them.

    • Once you are out of trance, come all the way back. Tap into all five of your physical senses. What can you see? Hear? Feel? Taste? Smell? I find that tapping, stomping, and shaking help to ground me back into my rooted body after a powerful Spiritual trance.

    • If your mirror isn’t one that is attached to a wall, place it somewhere you will see yourself in often in the following month.

  • Start your bath water and invite in all honest, loving, and joyful energies to join you for your ritual. Maybe while it runs, you can do some journaling on any breakthroughs or visions you experienced during trance

  • Place your New Moon “Floral Fields” Bath Bomb in the bath water

  • As the bath bomb dissolve and disperse through the bath water, all that you are calling into your life is ready for you to immerse yourself in it. The floral and citrus aroma of the bath bomb flood your senses with the energy of joy and prosperity

  • Soak in this bath and allow every single part of you and your energetic field to be immersed in the expansive energies Gemini, and the prime potential of the New Moon

  • Use the New Moon “Citrus Joy” Sugar Scrub to exfoliate any blocks you hold toward receiving what you desire from your physical and energetic bodies

  • Mix one teaspoon of Madhno face mask powder with a few sprays of the Tulsi Hydrosol. You can do this inside the cap or in a small dish. Apply this mask to your face and be met with the optimism of the moringa and sweet orange.

  • Use the Reiki-infused guided meditation below to enhance the expansion of your next chapter, and soak in this abundant energy as long as you feel called to

  • Drain the tub and watch as all of the blocks you hold toward receiving what you desire go down the drain with the water

  • Dry off and nourish your freshly cleansed skin with the passion, love, and pleasure of roses with the “Rose Petal” Whipped Cupuacu Body Butter. As it soaks into your skin, allow yourSelf to feel honored and validated.

  • Close your ritual by thanking Gemini, your reflection (Spiritual counterpart), the Moon, the Universe, and the water for holding space for your abundance

If you have any questions or had any exciting breakthroughs, we’d love to discuss them! Comment below (see option to comment anonymously, if preferred)

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