Last Quarter Moon in Pisces GUided Bath Ritual 5/22/2022

Deep breath in… And as you exhale, release everything you’re still carrying from Taurus and Eclipse season. Welcome to Gemini season. It is bookended by two Last Quarter Moons, beginning the season with this one and the other on June 20th, just before we begin Summer Season. This spring has been astrologically quite eventful, starting with the passionate intentions and fiery action of Aries season and then the need to pause and reassess during Taurus and Eclipse season.

Gemini is the caboose to the Spring train, which makes it a mutable sign. This means that it is adaptable and moldable. It is intellectual and communicative. It sees the duality of everything we’ve been through this Spring objectively, and integrates it into our lives before we move forward into Summer. The fact that it begins and ends with Last Quarter Moons (the lunation of shadow work and release) tells us that in order to learn from this Spring and move forward into the elation and high energy of Summer, we need to take the lessons we learned to heart and really, truly release anything that no longer serves us.

This Last Quarter Moon falls in the sign of dreamy Pisces, another mutable (AKA adaptable, changing) sign. It is the final sign of the zodiac, making it the sign of ending one cycle and beginning the next. So this lunation is really urging us to reflect on the lessons we’ve learned this Spring, truly release anything no longer serving us, in order to begin the next cycle with fresh energy.

  • The Last Quarter Moon encourages us to get into a state of deep introspection to examine what is and what isn’t serving us and our Highest Self. The shadow work that occurs during this phase is an invitation to all parts of who you are to show themselves and be welcomed. It allows for you to know who you truly are on every level, love and accept it, and gracefully release anything that doesn’t align with it.

Ritual Rundown

When the sun and moon are both in mutable signs (Sun in Gemini and Moon in Pisces), our inner and outer worlds are both being called to uplevel. Gemini is an intellectual uplevel and Pisces is a spiritual uplevel. With the moon in its dark last quarter, this is the time to examine what lessons we’ve learned over the last season and release what no longer serves us, based on what came up for us during Eclipse season. This release is what needs to happen in order to see the intellectual and spiritual uplevel that we are being called to have.

  • Set up your bath room to feel like a sacred space-

    • Put away anything that will feel like a distraction. Maybe it’s your kids’ dirty laundry or the empty shampoo bottle that you keep telling yourself you can get the last drop out of. Whatever it is, it’s not the focus tonight. Put away for now and deal with it later.

    • Pull out your Divine Feminine ritual candle, Black obsidian, Green Aventurine, Last Quarter Moon Bath Salts, and other ritual elements that are listed above,

    • Put your phone or device on “Do Not Disturb”

    • Maybe even lay out a sacred altar cloth over whatever stool, toilet, or table you are setting your altar up on

    • Cleanse the energy of the room by spraying the Tulsi Hydrosol around the room in a counter-clockwise motion, while saying (aloud or inwardly) “Cleanse my Mind. Cleanse my Body. Cleanse my Soul. Cleanse my Home.” Focus this practice especially over the tub and in front of the mirror, as they collect and project a lot of energy.

  • Start your bath water and invite in all honest, passionate, and clarifying energies to join you for your ritual

  • While the water is running, and maybe while you wait for it to cool before you get in, use this opportunity to do some journaling to set your intentions for the ritual

    • What did not work for me this Spring?

    • What does it mean to “release”?

    • In what ways is letting go similar to giving up? How is it different?

    • How do I feel when I’m finally able to let go of what I know needs to be released?

    • Everything is always working out in my favor. In hindsight, what lesson was the Universe trying to teach me by putting this in my life?

  • Empty the pouch of Last Quarter Moon Bath Salts into the bath water

  • As the salts dissolve and disperse through the bath water, you can see the cleansing energy throughout the water. The Eucalyptus and Peppermint reveal their aroma and you feel their clarifying energy wash over your senses

  • Soak in this bath and allow every single part of you and your energetic field to be immersed in the expansive energies of Pisces and Gemini, and the release of the Last Quarter Moon.

  • Mix one teaspoon of Madhno face mask powder with a few sprays of the Tulsi Hydrosol. You can do this inside the cap or in a small dish. Apply this mask to your face and be met with the optimism of the moringa and sweet orange. This is a release filled with joy and expansion, not grief.

  • Use the Reiki-infused guided meditation below to enhance the expansion of your next chapter, and soak in this cleansing energy as long as you feel called to

  • Drain the tub and watch as all of the blocks, judgements and inauthenticity go down the drain with the water

  • Dry off and nourish your freshly cleansed skin with the passion, love, and pleasure of roses with the “Rose Petal” Whipped Cupuacu Body Butter. As it soaks into your skin, allow yourSelf to feel honored and validated.

  • Close your ritual by thanking Gemini, Pisces, the Moon, the Universe, and the water for holding space for your expansion

If you have any questions or had any exciting breakthroughs, we’d love to discuss them! Comment below (see option to comment anonymously, if preferred)

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New Moon in Gemini Guided Bath Ritual 5/30/2022