Last Quarter Moon in Taurus GUided bath Ritual 7/20/2022

Last Quarter Moons are a time of release, but what is it all for? It’s uncomfortable work and it definitely isn’t the most glamorous of the rituals. Why can’t we just carry on collecting hurt, trauma, and resentment? Just shut them all tightly into little jars and set them on the shelves in our mind, like some kind of trauma-museum we can refer to and analyze anytime we perceive a threat? It’s because our energy is finite, and every one of those jars takes up more and more of our energy. And eventually all of our energy is dedicated to pain, and none will be left for joy and pursuing our dreams. Every time we empty a jar or clear a shelf in this museum, we make room for more of the people, opportunities and events that will bring us growth, higher vibrations, and freedom.

When Taurus and Cancer come together, they urge us to dedicate our energy to finding freedom for our energy. They’re about taking inventory in our emotional and energetic museum, and deciding to dedicate more of it to acceptance, safety, and clarity. How do we find this freedom of our energy? In order to release the pain, trauma, and resentments, we need to accept them and forgive them. In the moment of forgiveness, untapped capacities are revealed and restored.

When you forgive the world completely you give yourself permission to be whomever you are. With forgiveness, entire wings of your museum are cleared and unlocked. Dark rooms are illuminated. Scattered fragments of your power are reclaimed. There’s no place you can’t go.

-Elements to this Ritual-

Or any products of similar energy

  • The Last Quarter Moon encourages us to get into a state of deep introspection to examine what is and what isn’t serving us and our Highest Self. The shadow work that occurs during this phase is an invitation to all parts of who you are to show themselves and be welcomed. It allows for you to know who you truly are on every level, love and accept it, and gracefully release anything that doesn’t align with it.

Ritual Rundown

Acceptance is Forgiveness is Freedom. All the areas that you withhold forgiveness are the places in which you and your energy are being held captive. You are constrained by your resentments. Forgiveness is the key to freedom. Forgiveness means knowing that your energy can be dedicated in any way you choose. Will you choose to cling to pain and resentment or will you choose love, acceptance, peace, and joy - in all areas, facets, and corners of your life?

  • Set up your bath room to feel like a sacred space-

    • Put away anything that will feel like a distraction. Maybe it’s your kids’ dirty laundry or the empty shampoo bottle that you keep telling yourself you can get the last drop out of. Whatever it is, it’s not the focus tonight. Put away for now and deal with it later.

    • Pull out your UNHINGED JOY ritual candle, Black Obsidian, Natural Mexican Calcite, Last Quarter Moon Bath Salts, and other ritual elements that are listed above, and set your bath ritual altar up in a way that feels safe and sacred to you

    • Place your Natural Mexican Calcite Tower and Black Obsidian crystal near your bath so that they can absorb your intentions and conduct the energies of acceptance, forgiveness, and freedom during your ritual

    • Put your phone or device on “Do Not Disturb”

    • Maybe even do some cleansing Breathwork or Somatic Shaking to get your body into the momentum of releasing tension (click links for free resources)

    • Cleanse the energy of the room by spraying the Tulsi + Lemon Balm Hydrosol around the room in a counter-clockwise motion, while saying (aloud or inwardly) “Cleanse my Mind. Cleanse my Body. Cleanse my Soul. Cleanse my Home.” Focus this practice especially over the tub and in front of the mirror, as they collect and project a lot of energy.

  • Start your bath water and invite in all forgiving and releasing energies to join you for your ritual

  • While the water is running, and maybe while you wait for it to cool before you get in, use this opportunity to do some journaling to set your intentions for the ritual. Get in touch with the parts of you that hold resentment, and for once, don’t judge what they have to say. Let them free flow onto the page and just accept them as truth, rather than try to attach moral value to them.

    • Where am I holding resentments in my life? Who am I holding them toward? What events do I hold resentment toward? Do I hold any toward myself? Let them free flow onto the page, judgement-free.

    • How much energy am I dedicating toward holding these resentments?

    • What am I telling myself that forgiveness will give to the people and events that have hurt me?

    • What does holding resentment do to the people or events that have hurt me? What does that resentment do to me?

    • On a page you can tear from your journal, write out:

      “I deserve freedom and peace. I now release all energetic cords to the people and events that have hurt me and call all of my own energy back to myself. I accept and forgive: (and list out all of the people and events that you are truly ready to accept and let go of today. It’s ok if you’re not ready to forgive all, but see how much of your energy you can call back to yourself.)”

      Now, as an act of releasing these resentments and allowing yourself to experience the freedom from their hold over you and your energy, destroy this paper however you see fit. Whether you tear it into a million little pieces, crumple it up, or burn it*, destroy it in a way that feels complete to you.

      *if you decide to burn it, please use safety precautions. Use tongs or tweezers to hold the paper to prevent burning yourself and burn the paper over the toilet to prevent your surroundings catching fire.

  • Pour your Last Quarter Moon Bath Salts in the bath water

  • As the bath salts disperse through the bath water, it is preparing for you to immerse yourSelf in the deeply accepting, forgiving, and safe energies of this ritual. The salts pull negative and stagnant energies from your energetic and physical bodies, while the peppermint and eucalyptus provide clarity for your energy to be used in ways that feel like freedom

  • Soak in this bath and allow every single part of you and your energetic field to be immersed in the accepting, forgiving, and freeing energies of this Lunation

  • Mix one teaspoon of JUGNOO face mask powder with a few sprays of the Tulsi + Lemon Balm Hydrosol. You can do this inside the cap or in a small dish. Apply this mask to your face and allow the hibiscus to infuse your face with the energies of sacred love, empowerment, and Divine Feminine.

  • Use the Reiki-infused guided meditation below to enhance the energy of forgiveness and freedom, and soak in this purifying energy as long as you feel called to

  • Drain the tub and watch as all resentments and energetic chords that drain you go down the drain with the water

  • Dry off and nourish your freshly cleansed skin with the love, acceptance, and joy of grapefruit with the “FRESH GRAPEFRUIT” Whipped Cupuacu Body Butter. As it soaks into your skin, allow yourSelf to feel honored and validated.

  • Close your ritual by thanking Cancer, Taurus, the Divine Feminine, your Body, the Moon, the Universe, and the water for holding space for your acceptance, forgiveness, and freedom

If you have any questions or had any exciting breakthroughs, we’d love to discuss them! Comment below (see option to comment anonymously, if preferred)

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