Last Quarter Moon in Gemini Guided Bath Ritual 9/17/2022
Welcome to the official last bath ritual of summer. The Moon is in the Last Quarter of its current cycle, the phase of shadow work and release. It is a powerful time to let go of everything that no longer serves us so that we can embrace the death and rebirth that will come this Autumn. This Last Quarter Moon in particular is in the sign of Gemini. This is a sign of duality, being able to see the truth and divinity to all sides of an equation.
This is a beautiful sign to have a shadow work ritual in because Gemini will approach shadows with the same energy that it approaches the light. It’s in this energy that we offer a place of safety for our shadow traits to finally come to the surface. When we present an opportunity for the parts of our being that we suppress to come forward honestly, it becomes clear that these are often in place to keep us protected. They usually have lessons to teach us, and once we learn them and integrate them, they are ready to be released. This is the premise of the Last Quarter Moon, shadow work, AND transformational Gemini.
We’ll also be feeling the effects of Mercury Retrograde even stronger today. The Sun in Virgo and the Moon in Gemini- both signs ruled by Mercury. When a planet goes into retrograde, it means it is a time to revisit and re-examine the aspects that that planet rules. Mercury rules communication and structures, so during our Shadow Work during this Last Quarter Moon bath ritual, we can reset the ways we communicate with ourselves. Are we speaking kindly to ourselves? Do we use our shadows as an excuse to degrade ourselves and our worth?
For this ritual, we will channel the transformational energy of Gemini by becoming aware of how we hold shame and judgement toward our shadows, and recognizing that they were always there to serve us in some way. Once we can recognize that these traits had a purpose, the transformation can begin by integrating the lessons we’ve learned from them, and release them if they no longer serve us.
-Elements to this Ritual-
or any products of similar energy
UNHINGED JOY Nontoxic Woodwick Candle
As we journey into this deep, transformative shadow work, the positive energy of this candle with light the way and infuse our bath ritual with energies of safety. Allow this energy to transmute our shame into radical self acceptance and alignment.
Tulsi + Lemon Balm Hydrosol
Tulsi, or “Holy Basil” is a powerful energetic cleanser as we approach this New Moon as an energetic blank slate moving forward into this next season. The Lemon Balm infuses the energy of our ritual with hope and prosperity as we cleanse our energy.
Natural Mexican Calcite Tower & Black Obsidian
As we leave judgement toward ourselves behind in this ritual, allow the Natural Mexican Calcite to channel creativity and excitement in its place. The Black Obsidian helps to move and remove the lifelong shame and suppression we’ve inherited over our lifetime.
Last Quarter Moon Bath Salts
A deeply purifying blend of sacred salts, peppermint, and eucalyptus, that acts as a magnet- pulling all of your deepest, most hidden parts of yourself to the forefront of your awareness in this ritual. We work to integrate what we’ve learned from the ways these traits have served us, and release the ones that no longer do.
Fresh Grapefruit Whipped Cupuacu Body Butter
As all citrus energies, grapefruit is a strong conductor of high vibrations and positive energies. As a body butter, grapefruit is closely associated with a deep, unconditional love ourselves and our bodies. This energy will soak into our skin and all the way down to our inner most parts of our being.
Healistic Affirmation Card
Four cards from the Healistic Affirmations deck were intuitively pulled and placed in the envelope that came in your subscription box. Pull one out that calls to you for this ritual. You can do this randomly, intuitively, or consciously- whatever feels right to you. This is today’s message for you from the Universe. Place this card near your ritual area so you can see this card as you set your intentions for this ritual.
Journal & Pen
A deep dive into our shadow work, our journaling will focus around becoming aware of all the parts of ourselves we hide or deny. How have they actually served us? Do they still? What can we learn from them?
Any other ritual/altar supports
That you associate with shadow work and release.
Maybe you have a totem that reminds you of your inner child? Maybe you have a crystal or herb that you associate with Divine love and empowerment? Black tourmaline or lemon?
Anything and nothing here is fine.
The Last Quarter Moon encourages us to get into a state of deep introspection to examine what is and what isn’t serving us and our Highest Self. The shadow work that occurs during this phase is an invitation to all parts of who you are to show themselves and be welcomed. It allows for you to know who you truly are on every level, love and accept it, and gracefully release anything that doesn’t align with it.
Ritual Rundown
Focus your energy for this bath ritual on allowing the safety and cleansing of the water and salts to remove any lingering judgement you hold toward yourself. Give your shadows the attention and acceptance they need in order to feel safe enough to lay down their arms.
Set up your bath room to feel like a sacred space-
*Put away anything that will feel like a distraction. Maybe it’s your kids’ dirty laundry or the empty shampoo bottle that you keep telling yourself you can get the last drop out of. Whatever it is, it’s not the focus tonight. Put away for now and deal with it later.
*Pull out your UNHINGED JOY ritual candle, Black Obsidian, Last Quarter Moon Bath Salts, Natural Mexican Calcite, Healistic Affirmation card, and other ritual elements that are listed above,
*Put your phone or device on “Do Not Disturb”
*Maybe even wipe down a couple of areas of your bathroom that you feel have collected stagnant energy
*Cleanse the energy of the room by spraying the Tulsi + Lemon Balm Hydrosol around the room in a counter-clockwise motion, while saying (aloud or inwardly) “Cleanse my Mind. Cleanse my Body. Cleanse my Soul. Cleanse my Home.” Focus this practice especially over the tub and in front of the mirror, as they collect and project a lot of energy.
As the water fills the tub, envision and invite in all honest, safe, and purifying energies to join you for your ritual
While the water is running, and maybe while you wait for it to cool before you get in, use this opportunity to do some journaling to set your intentions for the ritual:
These journal prompts are meant to get us in touch with our shadows- the parts of ourselves that we hide or even deny are there. Often times, we can discover their existence by examining what we often judge others for. Shadow work is not about releasing the shadow traits themselves, but about releasing the shame that put them in the shadows in the first place.
*What are the traits and behaviors I possess that I don’t want others to know about?
*How does these traits or behaviors actually work to serve me?
*When are you hardest on yourself and where do you think it stems from?
*Write out a few judgements you hold toward yourself. Then cross them out, rewrite a statement of acceptance, and safely destroy this part of the paper.
For example: “I spend too much time on social media.” Cross it out and rewrite it as a statement of acceptance, ie., “I enjoy the personal connection and entertainment that social media provides.” Then thoroughly release these judgements by safely destroying the paper however you see fit.
For the rest of this ritual, focus on cleansing and releasing the shame and judgement you hold toward yourself. Know that even if a trait or behavior doesn’t serve you anymore, it did at one point. This is about integrating what our shadows are here to teach us to move into our next chapter.
Pour the pouch of Last Quarter Moon Bath Salts into the water
As the bath salts dissolve and diffuse through the bath water and reveals its cleansing herbal aroma, your bath becomes a sacred portal of honesty and safety. As you lower yourself and immerse your entire being into the water, feel the overwhelming sense of clarity and new beginnings wash over every part of you.
Soak in this bath and allow you, your energy, your body, and all your chakras to be immersed in the water of responsibility and transformation. Feel the courage to approach your shadows wrap around your body and every part of your being. You are being wrapped up in the most Divine energy that is absorbing into your skin, elevating your consciousness to align with that of your truest Destination.
Use the Reiki-infused guided meditation below to enhance this energy of shadow work and transformation. Soak here in this energy for as long as your Highest Self asks to
Drain the tub and watch as any remaining judgements and inhibitions you were holding onto are washed down with it.
Gently dry off and begin showing your Body the love and care that it deserves with the Fresh Grapefruit Whipped Cupuacu Body Butter. Feel the Divine love, acceptance, and joy nourish and sink into your skin, and then all they way down to the depths of your inner most being.
Close your ritual by thanking Gemini, Virgo, the Moon, your shadows, and the water for holding space for your honesty and transformation
If you have any questions or had any exciting breakthroughs, we’d love to discuss them! Comment below (see option to comment anonymously, if preferred)
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