Super Full Moon in Sagittarius Guided Bath Ritual 6/14/2022

This Spring has been heavy. We’ve done the work. So much work. And showing up to dive deep into your shadows and working on your healing is absolutely a crucial part to the evolution of You in this life. But what’s the point of it all if there is no room for joy?

This is a Super Full Moon, which means the moon is closer to the Earth, making its impact on our energy stronger than the typical Full Moon. (Although rest assured it won’t be as intense as our last Full Moon during Eclipse season.) This Super Full Moon is in Sagittarius, the complimentary sign to Gemini. We know that Gemini is characterized by the twins, duality, the two sides. If we had to pin down the two sides of Sagittarius, they would be the wise and curious old soul and the excitable, joyful inner child. This Full Moon in Sagittarius is here to tell us this: all the answers you need can be found within your joy.

A child’s emotion is honest. Before the conditioning of others and society, a child feels their emotions without worry about what others think. There is no concern for what is cool or what is trendy. Only that true joy is pure is what feels good and easy. This authentic, unfiltered version of you is still within you and can be accessed anytime you call upon them. So it’s from our inner child’s joy that we can find the answers, our truest of truths.

-Elements of this Ritual-

Or any products you own of similar energy

  • During the Full Moon phase, imagine- like in the cycle of breathing- that you've completed an entire inhale, and your lungs are now full of life, ready for release. It's in the consciousness of this phase that we appreciate what we've manifested and purge what no longer aligns with our intentions. Our vibrations are high and invigorating, and maybe even a bit chaotic. As you begin this lunar bath ritual, start your exhalation of this next cycle by celebrating all that you have achieved and gracefully move on from what has proven not to serve you.

Ritual Rundown

When was the last time you allowed yourSelf to fully, truly set everything down? When did you adopt the ideal that you had to earn joy? How long ago was it that you connected with the part of you that only knew joy, excitement, and curiosity? That is your inner child. And this ritual will be all about them. Because when you can finally let go of control is when the true divine expansion begins to flow in.

  • Set up your bathroom to feel like a sacred space

    • Put away anything that will feel like a distraction. Maybe it’s your kids’ dirty laundry or the empty shampoo bottle that you keep telling yourself you can get the last drop out of. Whatever it is, it’s not the focus tonight. Put away for now and deal with it later.

    • Pull out your Divine Feminine ritual candle, Green Aventurine and Amethyst and other crystals, Healistic Affirmation card, Journal & pen, Full Moon Dead Sea Salt Scrub, Full Moon “Natural Hot Springs” Bath Bomb and other bath ritual elements listed above

    • Turn on music that puts you into a sacred energy

    • *Optional: reinforce your intentions from the New Moon by doing another trance in your mirror that you prepared. Perhaps focus your mirror trance on seeing your inner child in your eyes

    • Maybe even include something in your bath ritual altar that reminds you of your childhood to help connect with your Inner Child

    • Cleanse the energy of the room by spraying the Tulsi Hydrosol around the room in a counter-clockwise motion, while saying (aloud or inwardly) “Cleanse my Mind. Cleanse my Body. Cleanse my Soul. Cleanse my Home.” Focus this practice especially over the tub and in front of the mirror, as they collect and project a lot of energy

  • Start your bath water and invite in all honest, loving, and expressive energies to join you for your ritual

  • While the water is running, and maybe while you wait for it to cool before you get in, use this opportunity to do some journaling to set your intentions for the ritual. Let your inner child pour out onto the page. Maybe you also doodle? Maybe you lose yourself in writing a fantastical imaginary scene of joy with fantastical characters.

    • What was your favorite toy or activity as a kid?

    • Describe a time in your childhood when you felt like and carefree.

    • When you were a kid, what did you daydream about?

    • What memory makes you smile every time you think about it?

    • What can I release that is impeding on my joy?

  • Place the Full Moon “Natural Hot Springs” Bath Bomb into the bath water

  • As the bath bomb dissolves and disperses through the bath water, it creates the perfect atmosphere for you to create a clear channel between you and your Inner Child. The Rosemary and Eucalyptus provide clarity and authenticity, while the chamomile and embedded blue calcite ensure your Inner Child feels safe to be unfiltered.

  • Once in the bath, listen to this short Inner Child visualization to connect with them and their joy

Soak in this bath and allow every single part of you and your Self to be immersed in the joy, curiosity, and authenticity of this lunation.

  • Use the Full Moon “Divine Clarity” Dead Sea Salt Scrub to exfoliate away all ties, cords, contracts, and attachments you hold to anything that betrays your authentic YOU

  • Mix one teaspoon of Madhno face mask powder with a few sprays of the Tulsi Hydrosol. You can do this inside the cap or in a small dish. Apply this mask to your face and invite the joyous and expansive energy of the sweet orange to infuse you and your intentions with your Highest Good.

  • Use the Reiki-infused guided meditation below to enhance the energy of joy and celebration, and soak in this exciting, expansive energy as long as you feel called to

  • Drain the tub and watch as all of your inhibitions go down the drain with the water

  • Dry off and nourish your freshly cleansed skin with the passion, love, and pleasure of roses with the “Rose Petal” Whipped Cupuacu Body Butter. As it soaks into your skin, allow yourSelf to feel deeply loved and nourished.

  • Close your ritual by thanking Gemini, Sagittarius, the Moon, your Inner Child, yourSelf, and the water for holding space for your joy.

If you have any questions or had any exciting breakthroughs, we’d love to discuss them! Comment below (see option to comment anonymously, if preferred)

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