Full Moon in Aquarius Guided Bath Ritual 8/11/2022

Aquarius is revolutionary and unapologetic. They are true to themselves, regardless of others’ opinions or expectations. But this isn’t because of a lack of concern of others, rather because they know that what they have to offer is for the good of the collective. They know that when they live in their truth, they inspire others to do the same, and that they can do more good when they are aligning with the energy of authenticity.

Full Moons are a time of Divine truths, as the Moon is shining its brightest light upon all areas of our lives. This is because a Full Moon is when the Sun and Moon are opposing each other. This is what creates the bright full moon light, because the Sun is shining directly onto the Moon’s face. What does that mean energetically to us? This means that our personal Moons (AKA inner worlds)- our thoughts, emotions, secrets, Inner Child, Higher Self, and Spirit- are all getting the magnifying energy of this lunation. It’s why Full Moons are so associated with chaotic, amplified energy. Because the filters and masks we wear during the rest of the moon’s cycle are no match for the illumination on our deepest truths and desires that occurs during the Full Moon.

So this Full Moon in Aquarius is allllll about authenticity, and releasing anything that conflicts with that. And the Sun in Leo reminds us that this authenticity is the path to the Joy and Prosperity that we desire. Leo energy is about remaining the main character in our story- in every part of our story.

This bath ritual is a follow-up ritual to the Joy & Prosperity spell jar bath ritual from last week’s First Quarter Moon in Scorpio*, where we set our intentions to manifest our dream reality. Where last week’s ritual was about setting our intentions, this week’s ritual is about infusing the spell jar with the authentic Joy and embodying it moving forward. The journal prompts and spell jar ritual below will help to clarify what your authentic joy means to you and help you to embody that energy moving forward.

*If you didn’t do the bath ritual from last week or you don’t have the spell jar, that’s ok. Try using your favorite crystal or other totem that you associate with your authentic joy.

-Elements to this Ritual-

Or any products of similar energy

  • During the Full Moon phase, imagine- like in the cycle of breathing- that you've completed an entire inhale, and your lungs are now full of life, ready for release. It's in the consciousness of this phase that we appreciate what we've manifested and purge what no longer aligns with our intentions. Our vibrations are high and invigorating, and maybe even a bit chaotic. As you begin this lunar bath ritual, start your exhalation of this next cycle by celebrating all that you have achieved and gracefully move on from what has proven not to serve you.

Ritual Rundown

In order to manifest our intentions that we set last week, Aquarius is here to remind us that our authenticity is the path to those intentions becoming realized. This Full Moon bath ritual is about connecting with our Inner Child and our Higher Self, the two purest forms of ourSelves. This is the energy that we are pouring into our Joy & Prosperity spell this week.

  • Set up your bath room to feel like a sacred space-

    • Put away anything that will feel like a distraction. Maybe it’s your kids’ dirty laundry or the empty shampoo bottle that you keep telling yourself you can get the last drop out of. Whatever it is, it’s not the focus tonight. Put away for now and deal with it later.

    • Pull out your Prosperity & Joy spell jar, UNHINGED JOY ritual candle, Amethyst, Natural Mexican Calcite, Full Moon “NATURAL HOT SPRINGS” Bath Bomb, Full Moon “DIVINE CLARITY” Dead Sea Salt Scrub, and other ritual elements that are listed above, and set your bath ritual altar up in a way that feels safe and sacred to you

    • Place your spell jar, Natural Mexican Calcite Tower and Amethyst crystal near your bath so that they can absorb your intentions and connect with the energies of Spirit and joy during your ritual

    • Put your phone or device on “Do Not Disturb”

    • Maybe even brew a cup of your favorite invigorating tea to sip while you open your crown chakra during this ritual

    • Cleanse the energy of the room by spraying the Tulsi + Lemon Balm Hydrosol around the room in a counter-clockwise motion, while saying (aloud or inwardly) “Cleanse my Mind. Cleanse my Body. Cleanse my Soul. Cleanse my Home.” Focus this practice especially over the tub and in front of the mirror, as they collect and project a lot of energy.

  • Start your bath water and invite in all revolutionary, cleansing, and Divine energies to join you for your ritual

  • While the water is running, and maybe while you wait for it to cool before you get in, use this opportunity to do some journaling to set your intentions for the ritual. Let the wisest, truest, most authentic parts of your deep inner being pour onto the page.

    • If I never had a single money worry ever again, what would I do with my life?

    • Make a list of everything that inspires you—from books to websites to quotes to people to paintings to stores to the stars.

    • My Inner Child needs to tell me that…

    • How can I shift my focus towards these things to bring more Joy & Prosperity into my life? What do I need to call in, in order to have the freedom to dedicate more of my energy to these things?

  • Place your Full Moon “NATURAL HOT SPRINGS” Bath Bomb in the bath water

  • As the bath bomb dissolves and disperses through the bath water, imagine as if it is turning the bath water into a portal into your safe space, where your Inner Child and Higher Self are there to greet you. The rosemary, sage, and eucalyptus of this bath bomb clear away any blockages and inhibitions you have from connecting with your most authentic Self. The chamomile and blue calcite strengthen this connection, and provide a state of calm and safety within their presence

  • Soak in this bath and allow every single part of you and your energetic field to be immersed in the revolutionary, authentic, embodying energies of this Lunation

  • Use the Full Moon “Divine Clarity” Dead Sea Salt Scrub to exfoliate any blocks you hold that keep you unaligned with your most authentic expression from your physical and energetic bodies

  • Mix one teaspoon of JUGNOO face mask powder with a few sprays of the Tulsi + Lemon Balm Hydrosol. You can do this inside the cap or in a small dish. Apply this mask to your face and allow the hibiscus to infuse your face with the energies of sacred love, empowerment, and the Divine.

Prosperity & Joy Spell Jar, part two

This Summer spell jar is intended to bring joy, elation, prosperity, and good luck! WE DESERVE IT! For ingredient list of the spell jar, see last week’s ritual.

  • Place the Prosperity & Joy Spell Jar in a dry, safe place within comfortable arm’s reach of your bath

  • Dry your hands and place them flat together, like traditional prayer hands

  • Close your eyes and visualize in your mind’s eye you as a young child doing the thing that brought you the most joy when you were young. Focus your attention on this memory so strongly that you can hear your surroundings and smell the air. Feel the joy that they felt as strongly in your body now as you did then when you were a child.

  • Once you have a clear, steady vision of this joyous memory, begin to focus on your vibration. Do this by physically feeling the area just on the outside of your physical body. See if you can feel the volume of your energy outside of your body. Even if you can’t quite get it today, that’s ok. Just intentionally focusing your attention there is growing your expansive energy, even if you can’t feel it yet. It takes practice.

  • Allow the bath water to carry and magnify your energy. Imagine it beginning to vibrate and ripple with the power of your joy.

  • Now focus on that energy growing between your hands. Feel your hands get warm and buzzing with your energy. As they begin to grow in vibration, slowly separate your hands. Do so at a slow pace so that the energy between them grows and doesn’t break in focus.

  • Once you have your hands about six inches apart with a solid sense of energy and vibration between them, place your hands carefully around your Prosperity & Joy spell jar. Hold your hands there and focus on your energy pouring into the spell jar, infusing it with your most authentic joy.

  • Hold this energy around and into your spell jar for as long as you can maintain the focus (even just a few minutes)

  • As you end this practice, gently wrap your hands around the spell jar and just hold it as your energy comes back to baseline. This spell jar is now a beacon, a magnet for this joy and the manifestation from last week’s ritual that you set your intentions on. Once out of your bath, place it somewhere that it can absorb the light and energy of the Full Moon to amplify its intentions.

  • Use the Reiki-infused guided meditation below to enhance the energy of your authentic joy becoming whole in your life, and soak in this loving energy as long as you feel called to

  • Drain the tub and watch as all your learned habits and beliefs that betray your Inner Child and authentic, Higher Self go down the drain with the water

  • Dry off and nourish your freshly cleansed skin with the love, acceptance, and joy of grapefruit with the “FRESH GRAPEFRUIT” Whipped Cupuacu Body Butter. As it soaks into your skin, allow yourSelf to feel honored and validated.

  • Close your ritual by thanking Leo, Aquarius, your Inner Child, your Higher Self, your Body, the Moon, the Universe, and the water for holding space for your authenticity and Joy

If you have any questions or had any exciting breakthroughs, we’d love to discuss them! Comment below (see option to comment anonymously, if preferred)

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Last Quarter Moon Moon in Taurus Guided Bath Ritual 8/18/2022


First Quarter Moon in Scorpio Guided Bath Ritual 8/5/2022